Anke Hagen,
Prof. Dr. rer. Nat, Dr. tec. at
DTU Energy, Denmark

… is a chemist from University of Leipzig. International research experiences from Germany, Japan, USA, and Denmark.

Responsibilities within the Department of Energy Conversion and Storage involve project management, fund raising, teaching, continued education, supervision, and dissemination. Professional activities comprise for example: Danish representative in the International Energy Agency IEA, Annex 24, European Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, coordination of SOFC activities at the Department. Fund raising and project management experiences include national German and Danish projects as well as EU projects. Scientific expertise in areas like solid oxide cells, electrochemistry, heterogeneous catalysis, and analytical chemistry.


Anke Hagen
DTU Energy
+45 46 77 58 84
6 MAY 2024