Prof. Jens Oluf Jensen
Department of Energy Conversion and Storage
(DTU Energy)
Technical University of Denmark

Jens Oluf Jensen has materials science, electrocatalysis and electrochemistry as main research fields. The approach is experimental, addressing technologies within energy conversion with a focus on hydrogen energy, high temperature PEM fuel cells and alkaline water electrolysis. He was awarded his PhD degree for a study on metal hydrides. The research on fuel cells and electrolyzers includes ion conducting membranes (acidic and alkaline), catalysts (noble metal based and noble metal free), electrode structures and cell testing with an emphasis on durability. He is the founder of the conference series International Conference on Electrolysis. At DTU Energy, he teaches hydrogen energy and fuel cells as well as thermodynamics. He is a board member of the Danish hydrogen society, Hydrogen Denmark and editorial board member of the journals Electrocatalysis and Molecules (Electrochemistry Section).


Jens Oluf Jensen
DTU Energy
+45 45 25 23 14
6 MAY 2024