Registration and participation fee

Forms of participation

JESS is planned for physical participation, and this is indeed the default form. However, this year the advanced classes offers an online option as well. For that please consult Registration for Online participation. For registration for physical attendance, please continue on this page.   

Participation Fee

The registration fee is 2.100,- €/course (*) and covers tuition fees, and accommodation in single room from Sunday 15 to Saturday 21 Sept 2024.

Double room occupancy is charged at 1.850,- €/course and person. Accompanying persons sharing a double room with a participant and not taking part in the lectures are charged at 850 € for the 6-day stay (including all meals and events). 
The double room rate is only valid if the 2 persons, who are sharing a room, will register together.

All prices include Greek V.A.T.

Included in the registration fee:

  • 6 overnights with Full Board + drinks during meals at the conference hotel
  • Coffee breaks
  • Gala/Farewell Dinner
  • Afternoon excursion on Wednesday including entrance fees
  • Conference facilities and material

An Early Bird Discount of 250 € is offered on registrations up until 31 March 2024. Participants wishing to arrive early or stay longer should make their own arrangements with our booking partner, Panhellas Tourism & Congress (see below). They can offer special rates for additional nights.

(*) An additional ‘hotel tax’ payment of €4 per night will be due to the hotel on arrival.

How to Register

To register, fill in the following forms (also available in PDF), scan, and send to the e-mail addresses on the form.

The final deadline for registration is 30 August 2024.


For issues concerning registration and payment please contact Ms Manuela Drape- Stathoglou at Panhellas Tourism & Congress:
Mail to:, Tel: +30 2810 300847.

She is also the contact person for any issues relating to the hotel, booking additional nights, and for questions about meals and the excursion.

If you have any dietary requirements with respect to food choice or food allergies, please contact Mrs. Drape in due time before the Summer School.

Lecturer information and arrangements -

Student and general information -

Cancelation Policy

To cancel your registration with JESS, send an email stating your intent to:

Refunds will be subject to a cancellation fee. If your request arrives by 31 July 2024, a 3,5% bank charge will be withdrawn and the rest of the amount will be reimbursed.

No reimbursement will be made for cancellations received after 31 July 2024.


The school secretariat and organisers cannot accept liability for personal accidents, loss of or damage to private property of participants and/or accompanying persons, either during, or directly arising from the JESS 2024. Participants should make their own arrangements with respect to health and travel insurance.